tiistai 3. marraskuuta 2015

Ajatuksen Valo # 14 OUT NOW / Updates

The 14th issue of Ajatuksen Valo marks yet another return to ”goodies for everyone” kind of approach, without any specific theme. This time we have interviewed:

Dead Moose / Submission
The Carnival
The Escapist

The record review section has awaken from it's short hibernation, 3/5 visited Soviet Union, we remember that Lapinlahden Linnut wasn't always a joke band and we also visited Porispere festival and wrote about Bad Religion. As always, this 80-page treat is entirely finnish-written.

You can have yours for four euros, or for five euros including the postage inside Finland.

You can order your copy by writing to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT gmail.com or navigating to this page and placing an order there: http://avzine.bigcartel.com/product/ajatuksen-valo-11-12


The Carnival – Hengen juhlaa 5 €
Hergian – S/T 5 €
Kohu-63 – Maailmanlopun blues 5 €
Miettiin – S/T 5 €
S&M – 5 €

Split: Cicutoxin / Pigeon Hunt 10 €

Can Can Heads – Butter Life 5 €

Ajatuksen Valo # 14 (Ydintuho, Uhrit, The Carnival, The Escapist, Submission etc.) 4 €

lauantai 13. kesäkuuta 2015

Ajatuksen Valo # 13 OUT NOW

13th issue of Ajatuksen Valo is dedicated to the town which started it all: Hämeenlinna. In short, there's interviews with Dachau, Pyhäkoulu, Horros, Long Gone and some geezers who identified themselves as "13 Crew" the 90s. There's also some other written word about the city of shattered dreams. 88 pages of black & white misery in neat A5 size. Written in finnish, again!

You can have yours for four euros, or for five euros including the postage inside Finland.

You can order your copy by writing to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT gmail.com or navigating to this page and placing an order there: http://avzine.bigcartel.com/product/ajatuksen-valo-11-12


We have some updates on the distro department, too.

Kuudes Silmä - Kuolemaa 6 €

Lapinpolthajat - III 10 €

Dredged - In sickness and unhealth 5 €

Ajatuksen Valo # 13 (Dachau, Pyhäkoulu, Horros, Long Gone, 13 crew, etc.) 4 €
Mummon Uutiset # 1 (Katujen Äänet, Vuosi Nolla, Sammakka-Pop etc.) 3 €

sunnuntai 3. toukokuuta 2015

Nurja Kehä # 2 OUT NOW (And updates!)

The second issue of the best doom metal-zine from Finland! Interviews with Sammal, Musta Risti, Leechfeast, Nightslug, shEver, Caskets Open, Bell Witch, Temples, Pyramido and Warp Transmission. Also some reviews, articles, live reports and other stuff.

The zine is written entirely in finnish. There's now 64 gargantuan A4-sized pages of black & white misery. Just like the first issue, this is a co-release with Rämekuukkeli. Let's feel alive!

The price is five euros for a copy. You can order it from us for six euros with the postage (piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT gmail.com or clicking HERE) or Rämekuukkeli (tuukan AT nic.fi).

You can also have both issue of Nurja Kehä (or the new Nurja Kehä zine accompanied with the latest issue of Abhorrent Visions) for ten euros with the postage paid.

And here's something else:

Famine Year – Lopun alkua 6 €

Bad Penny – Houses of Glass 12 €
Boar – Veneficae 12 €
Cause A Riot – Pawns of War 12 €
Enemies – Bind Me a Wreath 15 €
Nicolas Kivilinna – Joka laulun laulaa vaan 15 €
Split: Polite Force / The Torrances 12 €

Enemies – Bind Me a Wreath 5 €


Nurja Kehä # 2 (Warp Transmission, Sammal, Temples, Caskets Open etc.) 5 €

lauantai 14. maaliskuuta 2015

Ajatuksen Valo # 12 Out now! (And updates)

12th issue! This time we interviewed:
Deep Space Destructors
Agent Attitude
The Reality Show
Coke Bust
Bad Penny
Buried At Last

Plus there's articles about various topics, such as Martti ”Huuhaa” Innanen, Septic Death, crap records, live reviews (Lutakko Liekeissä 2014 & Anterok 6), panda bears and some other shit. There's 84 neat A5 sized pages full of finnish-written text.

You can have yours for four euros, or for five euros including the postage inside Finland. First 50 orders will include two Cds by Buried At Last. Limited, so act fast!

You can order your copy by writing to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT gmail.com or navigating to this page and placing an order there: http://avzine.bigcartel.com/product/ajatuksen-valo-11-12


Agonized - Gods… 5 €
Watch Your Back – Sonic Hate 5 €

Bad Jesus Experience - III 10 €

Lähdön Aika - II 12 €

Infected Priest - Hammering Nails to Fragile Bones 5 €€
Metastasis - The Blackest Essence 4 €
Ossuaire - Le Troubadour Necrophagéophile 4 €

Uhrit  - Kuilu 8 €

Ajatuksen Valo # 12 (Coke Bust, Agent Attitude, Bad Penny, The Reality Show, Buried At Last… etc.) 4 €
Kynä # 1 (Runoja ja prosaa) 3 €
Paljain jaloin # 1 (Pyöräpaja, Suspiria, Hitchcock, Jorkki etc.) 3 €
Slowly We Rot # 6 (Rippikoulu, Amon, Exciter, Usurper etc. + CD) 5 €

sunnuntai 1. helmikuuta 2015

Ajatuksen Valo newsletter!

Ajatuksen Valo zine will start to publish a newsletter with some information regarding the content of it's latest issue, publishing information and ordering instructions. The finnish-written newsletter will hit your mailbox probably 3-5 times a year, always when the publishing date of the latest Ajatuksen Valo zine (and Nurja Kehä and Abhorrent Visions zines) is at hand. 

Order the newsletter by sending a message to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT gmail.com

Here's the original, finnish written message about the subject:

Ajatuksen Valo goes suoramarkkinointi
Viime aikojen hiljaiselosta huolimatta AV:lle on tainnut muodostua maine hyvin usein ilmestyvänä lehdykkänä. Tuntuuko sinusta siltä, että sen ilmestymistahti on niin päätä huimaava että oma skenenseuraaminen kärsii? Mutta silti pitäisi saada jotain luettavaa ja päästä lukemaan suosikkibändisi kuulumisia? Vai haluatko muuten vain päästä vähän helpommalla?
Jotain pitäisi tehdä, mutta koska silloin tällöin lukijoiden puolelta väläytelty kestotilaushomma ei nyt oikein houkuttele niin tehdään tällainen kompromissi, eli AV:n ilmestymisistä ilmoitteleva uutiskirjeilmoitus voisi pamahtaa sähköpostiisi aina kun uuden lehden ilmestyminen on ajankohtaista. Tähän kirjeeseen tulisi tietoa aina tuoreen numeron sisällöstä, hintatiedot ja tilausinfot. Kai siinä voi olla jotain pientä infoa myös edellisistä numeroista. Ei siis kovinkaan pitkiä viestejä, ja niitäkin tulee vain 3-5 kappaletta vuodessa, joten tuskin pääset hermostumaan spämmäämisestä.

Listalle voit liittyä laittamalla viestiä osoitteeseen piparnakkeli.kamakarhu miukumauku gmail.com tai laittamalla privaviestiä täällä Facebookissa. Ei tarvitse sen kummempia runoilla, riittää että vaikka vain otsikoit viestisi ”AV-uutiskirje”-otsikolla tai jotain sen suuntaista. Ja toki sähköpostiosoitteen laittaminen mukaan olisi koko homman mielekkyyden kannalta ihan hyvä juttu.

Eipä tässä muuta. Jatketaan!

keskiviikko 14. tammikuuta 2015

Abhorrent Visions # 2 OUT NOW!

It's time to let the second installment of Abhorrent Visions mag out of it's leech-infested cage. We have interviews with Forced Kill, Condor, Vigilance, Evilnight, Castle Freak, Carrion-zine, Revel in Flesh and Black Crucifixion. On top of that, there's also some articles and plenty of record, zine and live reviews on 52 A4 sized black & white pages. Written in english! Unlike the first issue, we have now more old school feel to the mag, as the picture down below suggests:

This hairy beast costs five euros a piece, but we offer generous prices with the postage costs covered for single copies:
Finland: 6 euros (Finnish readers will receive a special freebie!)
Europe: 7 euros
Rest of the world: 8,50 euros

Also trades and wholesales are also welcome. Feel free to ask.

You can order the zine by writing to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT gmail.com or navigating to our Bigcartel page.

Iron Boris / Pigeon Hunt Split 7” out now!

Meet both Iron Boris and Pigeon Hunt; two vicious and hungry bands who have crafted their modern version of hardcore/punk/otherpunk/noise/whateverman on their own but have now invaded the same record. This sonic assault is delivered on seven inches with the limited pressing of 200 copies. One copy costs you 6 euros (plus the postage).

Since you will most likely order the record and get disappointed because you expected something else, prepare to meet both of them beforehand:

Co-release with mighty Rämekuukkeli, Brown Records and We Are the Trail labels. Distributors and other pals, please free feel to contact us for wholesales or trades!

Order it by writing to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT gmail.com.

Updates 14.1.2015

Aavikon Kone & Moottori - S/t 5 €
Axeslaughter - Savagery & Abuse 6 €
Derrida - Elämälle vieraita piirteitä 5 €
Romutus - S/t 5 €
Split: Iron Boris / Pigeon Hunt 6 €

Abduktio - Perustuu tositapahtumiin / Tuli kulje kanssani 2LP 20 €
Grateful Däd - Moominvalley of the Dolls 12 €
Split: Rust / Agathocles 10 €

Conform - S/t 2 €
Fuck-Ushima - First Come, First Served 3 €
Haare - Musta Magia 5 €
Hess - S/t 3 €

Slug Lord - Transmutation 10 €

Abhorrent Visions # 2 (Forced Kill, Black Crucifixion, Revel in Flesh, Condor, reviews, etc.) 5 €

Sairaus # 3 (Umpio, Lörsson, Vuohi, Zoomonk, articles etc.), 2 €