The "Spark for the Night" demo by mighty Lord Fist will be reissued again. The JPAR issue was published in December 2012 and was sold out within a week. Once again it's on tape, but now the print is practically unlimited. It should hit the mountainsides in early 2014, probably January or February. The tape will be available for preorders as soon as the details are confirmed. Stay tuned!
And note that ABHORRENT VISIONS zine is out!
Käpykaarti - Yksinkertaisia ratkaisuja moniulotteisiin ongelmiin 4 €
Baxter Stockman - Punter 12 €
Fleshpress - Tearing Skyholes 2LP 17 €
Käpykaarti - S/t 8 €
Abhorrent Visions # 1, 5 €
sunnuntai 29. joulukuuta 2013
sunnuntai 22. joulukuuta 2013
Abhorrent Visions # 1 (metal zine) OUT NOW
Cover art by Tuomas Tiainen |
The first issue of Abhorrent Visions-zine is almost here! The release date for this printed magazine is the 28th of December. On this issue, there's interviews with:
Spiritus Mortis
FistWytch Hazel
Iron Dogs
Under the Church
some other writings (eg. record and live reviews) in as well. That's
56 pages written in english, The pages are printed in black &
white and the page size is A4.
price for the single copy is 5 euros. We accept Paypal and ship
worldwide, with the following rates for single copies:
6 euros including shipping.
Europe: 7/8 euros including shipping (economy class/priority class).
of the world: Ordering single copies is quite expensive. If you want
to use economy class, the price with the postage would
be 8 euros, and in the priority class 12 euros, so it's advisable
to ask your local distributors if they want to distribute this zine.
you want to order some other shit too, please contact us and we'll
take a look at your order. And yes, the shipping fees are high, but
that's the finnish postal services!
always looking for distributors, so if you think that this zine fits
with our distro, don't hesitate to drop a message. We do give
reasonable wholesale discounts.
the way, this zine was made by a hippie who occasionally makes
anti-nazi statements in his zines, including this one. Please keep
that in mind before placing an order or an enquiry.
orders and enquiries, write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu (at) and we send you further instructions.¨
You can also place your order thru our Bigcartel page. Just follow the instructions in the description field for correct shipping costs.
You can also place your order thru our Bigcartel page. Just follow the instructions in the description field for correct shipping costs.
can follow this zine on Facebook as well:
And here's the latest
arrivals at the distro:
1981 – In the Dead of
the Night 4 €
Raptus – Vehkalahden
demonit 5 €
Ascenced – Temple of
Dark Offerings 12 €
Iron Dogs – Free and
Wild 14 €
Coming soon:
Sammohan – S/t
Split: Sink / Marzuraan
Warp Transmission – TBA
Baxter Stockman – Punter*
Baxter Stockman – Punter*
Bölzer - Aura
Fleshpress – Tearing Skyholes*
Iron Dogs – Free and Wild
Possession - His Best Deceit
Abhorrent Visions # 1
Kancer Kountry # 5
sunnuntai 15. joulukuuta 2013
Updates 15.12.2013
Nicolas Kivilinna –
Eino Leino 5 €
Noituus – S/t 5 €
Väistä! - S/t 5 €
Mymanmike – Will You
Marry Me? 8 €
Aortaorta – Violent
Meditation 11 €
Blue Cross – Hysteria
10 €
Electric Funeral –
D-Beat Noise Attack / Make A Change 12 €
Famine Year – Ja
kaiken kruunaa kuolema 12 €
The Heartburns –
Fixin' to Die 12 €
Kuudes Silmä – S/t
12 €
No Fealty – In the
Shadow of the Monolith 12 €
Out of Tune –
Aamuruskon saari (+comic book) 12 €
Remissions –
Survivalist 12 €
Throat – Manhole 12 €
Various artists:
Korpien kuiskintaa 12 €
Kohellus # 6, 1,5 €
Coming soon:
Sammohan – S/t
Split: Sink / Marzuraan
Warp Transmission –
Ascenced – Temple of
Dark Offerings
Baxter Stockman –
Fleshpress – Tearing
Iron Dogs – Free and
Iron Dogs – Free and
Possession - His
Best Deceit
*Will receive these
after christmas. And by the way, Ajatuksen Valo # 7 is sold out.
maanantai 2. joulukuuta 2013
Updates 2.12.2013
Black Star Dub Collective – 99 %
Uprising / 99 % Dub-Wising 5 €
Red Dons – Notes from the Underground
6 €
Split: Usko / Loinen 6 €
Dead in the Water – Less Days Left...
Until the Final Rest 4 €
Obsolete – The Few, The Many, The One
2 €
Government Flu – Are You Sorry Now?
10 €
Lord Fist – Wordless Wisdom of Lord
Fist 12 €
Masakari – The Prophet Feeds 10 €
Meinhof – Mother 10 €
Ranger – Knights of Darkness
(restock) 12 €
Riistetyt – Korppien paraati 12 €
Salaneuvosto – S/T 14 €
Throat – Licked Inch Fur 10 €
Ward – S/T 12 €
torstai 28. marraskuuta 2013
The debut LP by Ward is now finally
out. It's been a long process to have the record published, but it
was worth the wait. There's four tracks full of despair and agony,
death and filth. Mental breakdowns. One can describe Ward's heavy
sound as a mixture of crust, doom metal and sludge with some hints of death metal. Take a listen!
Distributors, feel free to ask about
wholesale offers! We have international shipping and we accept
LP costs 12 euros a piece. For a single
copy the postage will be 5,30 euros in Finland and a bit (1-4 euros,
depending on the destination country?) more if you order this into
another country.
And now that we have this church of
Isaac finally constructed, we can start being generous. It's time to
unleash the JPAR crustipata offer!
Pay 18 euros and receive both WARD LP
and HORROS 7”. Postage included! This offer is valid until December
15th and is valid in Finland only.
For orders and other enquiries, write
to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu ÄT
sunnuntai 24. marraskuuta 2013
Updates 24.11.2013
Moshtradamosh – Metal of Kings 5 €
Split: No More Art / Doom Town 5 €
Belgrado – S/t 12 €
Dayglo Abortions – Out of the Womb 12
Dayglo Abortions – Feed us a Fetus 12
Hårda Tider – Scandinavian Hardcore
Insanity 12 €
Infest – Slave 12 €
Sickoids – No Home EP 12 €
Wasted – Here Comes the Darkness 12 €
PML # 6 (Foreseen, Kyre & Duunarit,
Ville Pirinen etc.) 5 €
Sairaus # 2 (noise & movies) 2 €
lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2013
Updates 16.11.2013 & Bigcartel
Crusades – Parables 6 €
Kiristys – Niin makaa ku petaa 5 €
Koiran näköinen nainen – S/t 5 €
Palace Beautiful – S/t 5 €
Abnormi – Viimeiselle matkalle 7 €
The Achtungs – Vol. 1, 4 €
The Achtungs – Vol. 3, 4 €
Koiran näköinen nainen –
Viulumusiikkia 4 €
Teendreams – Dead Body in the Sand /
Sister 2 €
Tuska – Kyrvästettyjen raatojen
metsä 3 €
JPAR has now a Bigcartel page if you want to order zines from there. There's no products at the moment, but they will be available soon:
lauantai 2. marraskuuta 2013
Ajatuksen Valo # 8 OUT NOW & Updates
new crybaby issue of Ajatuksen Valo is out now! The eighth issue
Slack Bird
The Escapist
The Amistad
Combat Rock Industry
Cigarette Crossfire
Slack Bird
The Escapist
The Amistad
Combat Rock Industry
Cigarette Crossfire
some writings about Irwin Goodman, Leatherface, reviews, comic book
reviews and other stuff. 80 pages. Black & white, finnish
language used as usual. Rectangle.
price is 5 euros hand to hand, 6 euros including the
shipping inside Finland for a single copy.
some offers as well, in case you have skipped some issues:
+ AV7,5 = 9 euros postpaid.
+ AV6 or AV7 = 11 euros postpaid.
+ AV6 or AV7 + AV7,5 = 13 euros postpaid.
+ AV6 AND AV7 = 15 euros postpaid.
you wish to receive multiple copies and want to order some other shit
as well, please feel free to contact me. Write
to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT for orders!
More Art – Peripeteia / Evil Eyes 5 €
Piste - Oire 6 € (back in stock!)
Feelings – Backwoods 5 €
– S/t 5 €
Sur-rur / Merries 8 €
Bellicose Minds – The Spine 10 €
– The Sun is Down and the Night is Riding in 10 €
– S/t 10 €
– Last Days 10 €
– The Freedumb Curse 4 €
Dogs – Cold Bitch 4 €
Fist – Headbanger 4 €
– No Regrets 4 €
Valo # 8 (Combat Rock Industry, Cigarette Crossfire, Kaupungin Valot,
Lebakko etc.) 5 €
# 4, (Hopeajärvi, Talmud Beach, cool stuff) 3 €
tiistai 22. lokakuuta 2013
Updates 22.10.2013
Eilinen on tänään-tape got sold out and the new Ajatuksen Valo zine is lurking behind the corner. Meanwhile...
Armageddon Clock – Destined to
Oppress 5 €
Belgrado – Panopticon / Vicious
Circle 5 €
Darfür – S/t 5 €
Katujen Äänet – Melkein 30, 5 €
No Kids – S/t 2 €
Split: Delta Force 2 / Escape to Death
5 €
Split: Life Giving Waters / Aortaorta 3
Aortaorta – Bloodrush 5 €
Belgrado – Siglo XII 11 €
J. Kiesi Grandes – S/T 10 €
Mauser – Isolation 10 €
Nausea – Crimes Against Humanity 13 €
Silent Scream – Public Execution 10 €
Palokka # 5 (Wasted, Aivolävistys, The
Stakeout, Reach the Sky), 2 €
Palokka # 6 (Selfish, The Phoenix
Foundation, On A Solid Rock, Napalm Death, Mike Bukowski etc), 2 €
# 3 (Roadtripping,
seitan ham, John Steinbeck, Hella Wuolijoki etc.) 1,5 €
there's single copies of these zines:
# 1 (photographs, graffiti, fake interview of Sonic Youth, bicycling
plus some other cool shit. This is a square shaped zine,
inspirational for Ajatuksen Valo), 2 €
Etikka # 1 (Children of Fall,
Armageddon Clock, live and tour stories, comic story by Jyrki
Nissinen), 2 €
# 2 (Abduktio, Armageddon Clock, Sur-Rur and Frivolvol road stories,
comic story by Jyrki Nissinen etc.), 2 €
maanantai 30. syyskuuta 2013
AV6 repress & updates 30.9.2013
The sixth issue of Ajatuksen Valo has got some recognition, and because people have asked for it, here's the second edition of the zine, now limited to 100 copies. Here's the content, again:
Ajatuksen Valo 6: Hardcore for Life?
Kill the Curse
The Reality Show
Lokakuun Vallankumous & Vapaa Ajatus
Watch Your Back
+ Other stuff
Lokakuun Vallankumous & Vapaa Ajatus
Watch Your Back
+ Other stuff
72 pages. This zine is rectangle shaped, 210x210 mm in size. It's black & white again and written in finnish.
It costs four (4) euros hand-to-hand, five and half (5,5) euros when delivered inside Finland thru mail. Write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT for orders!
And here's what's new to the distro. Some sold out titles have been removed from the list, but there's a major update coming within the next few weeks, consisting of LPs from La Vida Es Un Mus and Sabotage Records.
Crude - Smash
The Wall For Freedom / Complete The Run
Dead Moose – The Night 5 €
Finntengs 2 – 5 €
Sokea Piste – Oire 6 €
Tohtori Koira – Tammelan pojat 5 €
Usko – Kullankukkula/Liipola 6 €
Vespera – S/T 5 €
Ranger – Knights of Darkness 12 €
Eilinen on tänään-kokoelmakasetti
(Kaupungin Valot, Lähtevät Kaukojunat, Katujen Äänet & Nuoret
Sankarit. LAST COPIES!) 4 €
Iron Dogs – Ripping Torment 4 €
Panssarijuna – Raaka näätä 4 €
Ajatuksen Valo 6 (Cold Inside,
Remissions, Tryer, Maailmanloppu, The Reality Show, etc.) 4 €
Ajatuksen Valo 7,5: Poridelic Journey
(Abbot, JetBlack, Acid Elephant, EPPSC) 3 €
Ripple Rock # 1, (Red Dons, White Lung, Michael Gira etc.) 5 €
Trapped Under Slice # 2, 2 €
I have also made some major updates on this webpage. Now there's finally a complete list of JPAR-releases. Also, there's a zine list as well.
maanantai 9. syyskuuta 2013
Iron Dogs – Ripping Torment CS out on September 13th
Canadian speed metal assault! Iron Dogs
is a three-piece heavy/speed metal/punk band from Ottawa, Canada.
This is a reissue of their first record which was first released as a
seven-incher by Black Shit Noise Productions in 2011. This reissue
certainly adds nothing new, not that these four songs crave for any
extra boost. After this underground gem they have released their
first full-length album ”Cold Bitch” by Iron Bonehead Productions
(LP) and Dying Victims Productions (CD) and what a blaster it is!
Limited edition of 100 copies. Costs
you four euros plus the shipping, which depends on your
destination country. Note that this tape is sent from a hellhole
called Finland! If you are unsure of the postage, please write me
first in order to avoid all disappointments! Paypal accepted, but
european bank transfer preferred.
For orders, write to
piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT
Eilinen on tänään -compilation tape out on September 13th!
This compilation represent the finest
edge of melodic finnish punk of today. Kaupungin Valot, Lähtevät
Kaukojunat, Katujen Äänet and Nuoret Sankarit are all young and
promising punk bands who keep their roots in the decades of the past
and use no unnecessary gimmicks. There's new studio material from all
of these bands, which all perform four songs (expect for Lähtevät
Kaukojunat which performs just three songs).
The release party will be held in
Lepakkomies, Helsinki and in Vastavirta, Tampere, on 13th
and 14th of September. JPAR distro will be at your service
in Tampere! If you're friends with Facebook, check
this event out!
The price for this beauty is four euros
plus the shipping! For orders, write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT
Ajatuksen Valo 7,5 out September 13th...
…if everything proceeds as planned.
Before it's time to unleash the eight
issue of Ajatuksen Valo, it will be time for the issue 7,5: Poridelic
Journey to step into picture. This 36-page, A5-sized zine contains the
interviews of Abbot, JetBlack, Acid Elephant and Electric Psychedelic
Pussycat Swingers Club, all from Pori. Additionally, there's some
embarrasing writings relating to Pori and the zinemaker's difficult
relationship to it. It's the first AV with a cover with colors, but
otherwise it's black and white and once again written in finnish (no
Pori dialect here).
With the first 67 copies of zine a
bonus cassette will be also shipped. That
not-that-high-but-actually-quite-the-opposite-quality cassette
contains songs from Acid Elephant and JetBlack. Since there's not
enought tapes (due to storage drying out) to go for everyone, please
notify me if you want the tape or not.
The price is 3 euros, plus the shipping
(1,50 euros in economy class). The release party will be held in Pori
at Kiarama festival with tons of cool bands playing there, including
Abbot and Acid Elephant! Unfortunately JPAR distro won't be there,
but you can fetch a copy of your from Karkia Mistika... or order it
straight from JPAR!
For orders, write to
piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT
torstai 22. elokuuta 2013
Updates 22.8.2013
The Achtungs – S/t 5 €
Kaupungin Valot – Ilmarinkatu 5 €
Massacre Divine – Beijando a Morte 5
Split: Better Not Born / Cause A Riot 5
Split: Haistelijat / Tii Nakujalka 5 €
Stolen Kidneys – S/t 5 €
Tohtori Koira – S/t 5 €
Diskelmä – Fuck Everything 10 €
The Reality Show – Liberation
Eschatology 10 €
Distortion Faith #5, 2,5 €
Mutiny! #15, 6 €
torstai 18. heinäkuuta 2013
Ajatuksen Valo # 7 OUT NOW
It's been a while, but now the most recent issue of Ajatuksen Valo is hitting the streets! This time the focus is in slow, noisy, depressing and dark music.
Interviews with:
Kaos Kontrol
Opium Warlords
Garden of Worm
Caskets Open
Silent Scream
Ville Leinonen
Lähdön Aika
+ Writings about Type O Negative, Black Sabbath (1983-1995), Louis Wain and something else. Reviews also included.
Axeslaughter – Of Catharsis and the Dying World 6 €
Foreseen - Structural Oppression 5 €
Rankka Päivä – Katkeraan loppuun saakka 5 €
Split: Pää Kii / Lapinpolthajat 5 €
Sunface – Live in Jyväskylä 3 €
Ajatuksen Valo #7 (Throat, Loinen, Garden of Worm, Opium Warlords, Silent Scream, Ville Leinonen etc.) 4 €
Aseptic #2, (Elegy, Folkeis, Attack SS etc.) 3 €
Interviews with:
Kaos Kontrol
Opium Warlords
Garden of Worm
Caskets Open
Silent Scream
Ville Leinonen
Lähdön Aika
+ Writings about Type O Negative, Black Sabbath (1983-1995), Louis Wain and something else. Reviews also included.
72 pages. This zine is rectangle shaped, 210x210 mm in size. It's black & white again and written in finnish.
It costs four (4) euros hand-to-hand, five (5) euros when delivered inside Finland thru mail. Wholesales are more than welcome, and some trades are also accepted.
For orders, write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT
For orders, write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT
The distribution list is also updated. Here's the latest additions:
Axeslaughter – Of Catharsis and the Dying World 6 €
Foreseen - Structural Oppression 5 €
Rankka Päivä – Katkeraan loppuun saakka 5 €
Split: Pää Kii / Lapinpolthajat 5 €
Sunface – Live in Jyväskylä 3 €
Ajatuksen Valo #7 (Throat, Loinen, Garden of Worm, Opium Warlords, Silent Scream, Ville Leinonen etc.) 4 €
Aseptic #2, (Elegy, Folkeis, Attack SS etc.) 3 €
Acid Elephant's live tape got sold out, by the way.
keskiviikko 19. kesäkuuta 2013
Updates 19.6.2013
Maailmanloppu - Valtaa EP 5 €
Cicutoxin - Delirious Excommunication 4 €
Maailmanloppu - Valtaa EP 5 €
Cicutoxin - Delirious Excommunication 4 €
perjantai 17. toukokuuta 2013
Updates 17.5.2013
Metal Inquisitor – Euthanasia by Fire
6 €
Iron Kobra – Dungeon Masters 12 €
Lebakko – Popkornikauppa 10 €
Split: Whipstriker / Power From Hell 12
Walpurgis Night – Midnight Wanderer
12 €
Vigilance – Steeds of Time MLP 12 €
Ajatuksen Valo # 4 is almost sold out. Order it while you can!
torstai 2. toukokuuta 2013
Updates 2.5.2013
Rejected – South Karelia Night 6 €
White Lung – S/T 5 €
Arctic Flowers – Reveries 10 €
Countdown to Armageddon – Throught
the Wires 10 €
Fall of Efrafa – Elil (2LP) 15 €
Hellbastard – Ripper Crust 10 €
Spectres – Nothing to Nowhere 10 €
Warsong – The Caravan 10 €
lauantai 27. huhtikuuta 2013

Ajatuksen Valo 6: Hardcore for Life?
Kill the Curse
The Reality Show
Lokakuun Vallankumous & Vapaa Ajatus
Watch Your Back
+ Other stuff
Lokakuun Vallankumous & Vapaa Ajatus
Watch Your Back
+ Other stuff
72 pages. This zine is rectangle shaped, 210x210 mm in size. It's black & white again and written in finnish.
It costs four (4) euros hand-to-hand, five (5) euros when delivered inside Finland thru mail. Wholesales are more than welcome, and some trades are also accepted.
Ajatuksen Valo 6,5 (”Something different”)
Tii Nakujalka
SircuscusPelkkä Väliviiva
The Coltranes
Other shit.
32 pages, A5. BW. Finnish.
This issue costs 2 euros, 2,5 euros when nothing else is ordered. This item is practically not available for wholesales, due to small edition of 100 pieces and the price which has hardly any bargaining in it.
You can order them both for 7 euros, including the postage. Some previous issues are also available, check for the "birthday" sale, which means that the issues 4 and 5 cost ONE EURO per piece.
Since it's been a year since the release of first Ajatuksen Valo and the first JPAR-release (Left Cold), JPAR will have a small birthday sale. The sale list is following, and the sale is valid until the end of May Day.
Left Cold - Symptoms of Our Time 7", 2,5 €
Sircuscus - Traumambo LP 5 €
Total Recall - Blood, Sweat & Broken Knees: Live 2012 CS, 1,5 €
Acid Elephant – Defenestration of a Dying Mammoth: aLive 2012 CS, 1,5 €
Puukotus / Musta Oksennus - Split CS, 1 € (Only a handful of zines left)
Horros - S/t 7", 2,5 €
Ajatuksen Valo # 4, 1 €
torstai 18. huhtikuuta 2013
Updates 18.4.2013
Here's some updates, and by the way, we do accept Paypal.
Split: Worth the Pain / Human Demise 5
Kyklooppien Sukupuutto – Likana
valikoimassanne 10 €
Mr. Peter Hayden – Born A Trip 2LP 20
Panssarijuna – Haistoin kerran näätää
12 €
Pelkkä Väliviiva – S/t 12 €
Tryer – Hero Quest 12 €
Worth the Pain – No Rest No Peace 10
Abus – S/t 3 €
Synti – S/t 1,5 €
Various Artists – Nussittu sukupolvi
+ zine 3 €
It's Just a Phase! ("A punk rock straight edge vegan zine". About hardcore. Written in english!) 2 €
It's the Limit (A zine about running, life & hardcore. Written in english.) 2 €
No Apologies (A zine about doing shows, loving life & hardcore. Written in english.) 2 €
It's Just a Phase! ("A punk rock straight edge vegan zine". About hardcore. Written in english!) 2 €
It's the Limit (A zine about running, life & hardcore. Written in english.) 2 €
No Apologies (A zine about doing shows, loving life & hardcore. Written in english.) 2 €
torstai 21. maaliskuuta 2013
Puukotus / Musta Oksennus - Split tape OUT NOW
JPAR-008 is finally out. Don't expect superior (sound) quality. This split tape is far from it.
Puukotus is a two-piece band from Kotka, Finland. There's no guitar, because they don't need it, as they can generate chaotic, a bit old schoolish hardcore without it. There's two songs which were left out from their first EP, which was released in summer of 2012. There's also two cover songs and two live songs.
Musta Oksennus is a five-piece noisecore act from Pori, Finland. They are spesialized (!) to create chaotic noise, but now it seems that they are trying to actually play their instruments. Not that you can call it music, though. So far, they have released only cassette releases thru various labels. On this tape you can find some "songs" from the Musta Oksennus side. No-one knows the exact amount of those tunes.
There's also a new mini-issue of Ajatuksen Valo zine out now to be carried with split orders. It's free and will not be sold separately, at least for now. It's a bonus, see? This A5 sized, ultracrappy zine has 20 pages of cut&paste shit, and is very limited. You can actually get it only by ordering the tape straight from the label or the bands.
The price is only two (2) euros, plus shipping (90 cents when shipped to Finland). Can you complain? Trades are also welcome! Write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT
The distro list will be updated. No new stuff apart from Blossom Hill - Sidetracks LP for now. Sorry.
lauantai 16. maaliskuuta 2013
News, new releases and updates! (16.3.2013)
Horros from Hämeenlinna plays apocalyptic crust and they say that they worship Morbid Angel. Now the repress of first Horros 7" (originally released in 2011) is released. It is available from the band and JPAR in grey or greenish (limited) vinyl. The grey edition is available for wholesales and trades are also more than welcome! Both versions will cost 5 euros hand-to-hand, 6 euros with postage. Distros will have these for cheaper, of course.
This is a limited edition aimed at their european tour in late May/early June. The dates are currently following:
Thu 16.5. Lepakkomies, Helsinki FIN
Fri 17.5. XI.20, Vilnius LIT
Sat 18.5. TBA, Warsaw POL
Sun 19.5. ADK Berza, Ruda Śląska POL
Mon 20.5. Plan B, Ostrava CZE
Tue 21.5. Kawiarnia Naukowa, Krakow POL
Wed 22.5. TBA, Wroclaw POL
Thu 23.5. TBA HELP
Fri 24.5. Gerberstr 3, Weimar GER
Sat 25.5. Hella, Ujezd u Cerhovic CZE
Sun 26.5. TBA HELP
Mon 27.5. TBA, Szczecin POL
Tue 28.5. DAY OFF
Wed 29.5. Koma-F, Berlin GER
Thu 30.5. Ungdomshuset Dortheavej 61, Copenhagen DEN
Fri 31.5. 128(A), Göteborg SWE
Sat 1.6. Boltic-Stugan, Karlstad SWE
For orders and inquiries, write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu AT
The Puukotus / Musta Oksennus -split tape is almost here, finally, on quality superior [sic] Computape cassettes! It will be released 21st March and the release party will be held at Vastavirta in Tampere (Phinland) the same date... ... if everything proceeds as planned, that is.
Anyway, Puukotus, Derrida, Death Toll 80K and the mighty Death Trip will perform at Vastavirta, so be there! The tape will be available from the Puukotus dudes and Musta Oksennus chipmunks as well, but further info will be provided when the time is right. There's a small bonus planned as well. In addition to Vastavirta date, Puukotus, Derrida and Death Toll 80K will also throw some other gigs, so here's the dates for this tour:
Thu 21.3.2013. Tampere, Vastavirta w/ Death Trip
Fri 22.3.2013. Kotka, Backroom
Sat 23.3.2013. Turku, TVO w/ Foreseen, M.O.R.A, Büfo
And here's a new (albeit small) update:
Horros - S/t (both green and grey vinyl available) 5 €
Chestburster - Born to Disappoint 4 €
JPAR's favorite record store Mustat Levyt in Hämeenlinna will cease to exist towards the end of March. JPAR is very saddened by this loss, not only because Hämeenlinna will lose one of it's brightest spots, but also because Mustat Levyt and it's predecessor Levykellari have supported JPAR by providing countless of hours of joy through records, and they have had (and still have) some JPAR releases - both records and zines - for sale, too. I salute you!
The funeral will be held in 30th of March. Hämeenlinna, Finland.
sunnuntai 3. maaliskuuta 2013
Updates 3.3.2013
Famine Year – Tervetuloa tilastoihin
5 €
Juggling Jugulars – Asylum 5 €
Maailmanloppu – Musta ovi / Enää
kiväärit laulaa 5 €
Split: Armless Children / Ydinaseeton Pohjola 5 €
Split: Armless Children / Ydinaseeton Pohjola 5 €
Ahneus – S/T 10 €
Sewer Pyysalos – II in I 4 €
Kancer Kountry #4 (Ydinperhe, Vendida,
Eye For All, Nuoret Sankarit/White Tears etc.) 2 €
Kohellus #5 (Anger, Agasia, Terveet
Kädet) 1 €
Äänioikeus #2 (Women in finnish punk
scene part 2, vegan cheese, Rosa Liksom etc.) 1,5 €
Äänioikeus #3 (Roadtripping, seitan
ham, John Steinbeck, Hella Wuolijoki etc.) 1,5 €
torstai 14. helmikuuta 2013
Updates 14.2.2013
Foreseen – S/T 5 €
Foreseen – Structural Oppression 5 €
Nuoret Sankarit – Oma etu mielessä 5
Split: The Escapist / Slack Bird 5 €
Urban Unrest – S/T 4 €
White Tears – Reagan Rises From the
Grave 5 €
Sokea Piste – Välikäsi 12 €
Edge of Decay – Raped, Boiled and
Butchered 1,5 €
Fecal Fetal – Past Predictions of a
Great Fire / Realization 1,5 €
Kaupungin Valot – S/T 3 €
Nuoret Sankarit – Suisto Klubi Live
1,5 €
Warthreat – Raw Punk and Chaos Noise
1,5 €
Ajatuksen Valo # 5, 2,5 € (Disorder,
Rift, Lord Fist, Iron Dogs, Carpe Diem, Loser Life, etc.)
Haven't been updating this site for ages... but here's some news! The brand new issue of Ajatuksen Valo -zine is out now!
Disorder (UK82)
Rift (melodic punk, Tampere)
Death Rides a Horse (heavy/stoner metal, Denmark)
Usko (liejusludge, Lahti )
Iron Dogs (speed metal, Canada)
Lord Fist (Mikkeli heavy metal warriors)
Loser Life (Bakersfield misery, melodic hardcore)
Dead Moose (Jyväskylä punk rock)
Carpe Diem (28 crew [=Pori] metallic hardcore)
+ Other writings about seven inch records and of course, whining. This will be the last issue of Ajatuksen Valo with this kind of a mish-mash content. "Nyt täytyy alkaa skarppaileen."
56 pages. B&W, A5. Digitally printed. Looks convincing and is heavy as an anvil, if you ask your mailman. Written entirely in finnish.
The price is once again 2,5 euros. If this is the only product you order, then the price will be 3,5 euros, INCLUDING postage. Yeah, it's cheap.
Some copies of Ajatuksen Valo # 4 are still available. If you decide to order both available issues (4 and 5, silly you), then the price will be 6 euros with postage included. The price will be 6 euros too if you decide to order two copies of AV5. Think about that!
For orders, write to piparnakkeli.kamakarhu ÄT or use smoke signals.
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